viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Aquatic Animals

1. Napoleón Fish

Its name comes from its apparent similarity to a certain feature of its French namesake. It is one of the largest fish of the coral reefs and find it on the Pacific islands and parts of the Indian Ocean. The addition to the above characterized his status as a hermaphrodite, changing from one sex to another as they mature. Because of the long time it takes for this process, this fish is rare in itself and added that fishermen can easily catch, their numbers are declining.

2. Sea Otter

The thick fur of otters allows them to survive in extreme temperatures, which was also the main attraction for hunters in the early twentieth century. Marketing of skin brought down the population of a million to less than 2,000 in the past. Despite his eventual recovery with about 3, 000 on the coast of California now, the species remains in danger. The oil spill, loss of habitat, entanglement in fishing nets and their elimination due to consumption of seafood are some of the reasons for its decline.

3. Dudong

Close cousin of the manatee and related to elephants, is another big vegetarian who lives in the Indo Pacific. Although currently legally protected, for years he was the victim of fishermen who ate his flesh and profited from its oil, bones and teeth. Like manatees are threatened by pollution and ships.

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