sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014


our zoo has several species of animals that are terrestrial. among these are:

1. Tapir

The tapir is endangered, it is a big animal, with short legs and elongated nose, similar to a small tube, the Tapirus bairdii is the only species inhabiting southeast Mexico, and can only find the odd copy after a search of several months.

Indiscriminate hunting, habitat destruction, low reproductive potential and its docility, have been the causes of the threat of extinction. Pronatura currently performs a number of activities to protect this species from extinction, but their implementation will take some time.

2. Panda:

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), is native to central China and lives in mountainous regions like Sichuan and Tibet, at an altitude of 3500 meters. Thanks to its strong and thick fur easily withstands winter conditions of their habitat. It is a mammal that feeds mainly on bamboo, but their diet also consists of fruits, small mammals, fish and insects.

The low birth rate, high infant mortality and habitat destruction are some of the most important factors that lead to the giant panda this endangered.

3. Marmoset

Titi is a species of monkey that lives in tropical Central America and South America. Marmoset monkeys differ from other by having two molars, instead of three, on each side of the upper jaw and with the exception of the thumb, by having claws, rather than fingernails, in every finger. The thumb is not opposable.

True marmosets are generally smaller than tamarins size. They inhabit the dense jungles of the Amazon. The best known species is the common marmoset, which measures 18 to 30 cm long not including the tail. The body coat is black and white, the head is round, his face black, and has white ear tufts. Also, the tail can be as long as the body. Most marmosets are considered endangered species, mainly due to habitat destruction.

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